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The First Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day of the Lebanese Society of Gastroenterology

Home > The First Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day of the Lebanese Society of Gastroenterology

27,Apr 2018

The first Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day of The Lebanese Society of Gastroenterology

April 27, 2018 | Le Gray Hotel, Beirut - Lebanon

Genetics in IBD                                                                                                    Joe Bou Jaoude

Mesalamine and Corticosteroids:Current Appropriate Use                                   Peter Irving

Immunomodulators in IBD                                                                                    Peter Irving

Role of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Management of IBD                        Peter Irving

Optimzing Current Therapy in IBD Managemen                                                   Geert D’Haens
Prevention and Identification of Infectious Complications in IBD Patients            Iyad Issa
Fistulizing and Perianal Crohn’s Disease                                                           Charbel Yazbeck
Crohn’s Disease: Management of Abdominal Abscesses                                    Peter Irving
Malignancies and IBD                                                                                         Salem Khoury
Managing IBD Therapies in Pregnancy and Postpartum                                     Jana Hashash

The First Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day of the Lebanese Society of Gastroenterology